Privacy Policy

At Love To Dream®, we respect your privacy and are committed to meeting our privacy obligations including under the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act and applicable provincial legislation.

Little Beings Pty Ltd trading as Love To Dream® is responsible for your personal information it collects in connection with your use of the website.

This website is not intended for use by children and we do not knowingly collect personal information relating to children.

If we make changes to our Privacy Policy we will notify you by updating it on our website. Should you need to contact us please write to:

Privacy Officer

Little Beings PTY LTD, ABN: 1513 7054 641, trading as Love To Dream®

Suite 1 Level 1, 20A Danks St

Waterloo 2017, NSW Sydney Australia


This privacy notice was last updated on 30th March 2023.


You are required to obtain any consents needed before you provide any personal information of any other individual in connection with our website or to us and for the processing and disclosure of that personal information as part of our website and our handling of the personal information as described in this Privacy Policy.

Except as otherwise set out in this Privacy Policy, when we collect, use or disclose your personal information we will obtain your consent.  Most of the time, we will obtain your consent before or at the same time we collect your personal information. When we collect personal information from you, we will inform you of the uses and disclosures that we wish to make of your personal information unless those uses and disclosures are readily apparent at the time we collect the personal information or are set out in this Privacy Policy. 

As such, by using our website or by providing personal information in connection with your interactions with us, we will assume that you have consented to the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information as set out in this Privacy Policy unless you advise us otherwise.

You may change or withdraw the consents you have provided at any time on reasonable notice by contacting our Privacy Officer as set out above.  If you withdraw certain consents, it may limit the manner in which you can make use of our website and otherwise interact with us.  For clarity, your ability to change or withdraw consent is not absolute.  We reserve the right to continue handling your personal information in those circumstances required or permitted by law despite a change or withdrawal of consent.

Choosing to Provide Personal Information

In using our website and in dealing with us you will have the ability to control the amount of personal information you provide to us and therefore you may restrict the use and disclosure of personal information we collect from you by not providing personal information in the first place.  However, if you choose to limit the personal information you provide, it may limit the manner in which you can make use of our website, purchase products or otherwise interact with us.

What information do we collect and why?

We collect personal information to deliver and improve our products and your shopping experience. This includes:

basic information such as your name, address, email address and phone number when you create an account. 
Why? To improve efficiency in the processing of purchases and to allow us to notify you about the status of your order.

additional information such as billing information, sales history and delivery details when you make a purchase. 
Why? To enable you to purchase goods and have them delivered to you.

consent and volunteered information if you subscribe to our newsletter, we will forward our newsletter to you on a regular basis. 
Why? To keep you informed about our products and to otherwise keep you up to date on matters at Love To Dream®, including any of our promotions.  If you decide you no longer want to receive our newsletter you will be able to unsubscribe to it.

customer care information when you contact us, including customer service requests, we will keep notes or details explaining what you asked and how we responded. 
Why? This helps us to improve our customer service processes and products.

website use information we collect and log information about your access and use of our website, such as your domain name and/or your IP address, the type of browser you use, access times and pages or information viewed. The foregoing information is used to monitor the use of our website, to ensure proper operation and security and to prevent misuse as well as to help us improve our website.

Legitimate interests

Your personal information may be used from time to time to participate in free prize draws or competitions.

We also make use of the following website technologies:

cookies – to collect information about interactions and usage. A cookie is a small text file that our website may place on your browser, computer or smartphone as a tool to remember your preferences or maintain your shopping cart. They do not contain any information such as your address or credit card details, and the information stored in cookies is anonymous to any external third party.
Why? To improve your experience on our site, allow you to transact with our website, and/or to allow targeted ads. By continuing to browse the site, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. You may refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser. However, if you do this you may not be able to use the full functionality of our website. 

website analytics – our website uses Google Analytics, a service that transmits website traffic data to Google's servers in the USA. We are not able to identify individual users or associate your IP address through our use of Google Analytics. 
Why? We use reports provided by Google Analytics to help us understand website traffic and webpage usage. This information assists us with website improvements and administration.

targeted advertisements – targeted ads or interest-based offers may be presented to you based on your activities on our webpages, and other websites, and based on the products you currently own. These offers will display as varying product banners presented to you while browsing. We use third-party providers to manage our advertising on our webpages and other websites. Our third-party providers may use technologies such as cookies to gather information about such activities in order to provide you with advertising based upon your browsing activities and interests, and to measure advertising effectiveness. If you wish to opt out of interest-based advertising you will need to turn off cookies through your browser. Please note you will continue to receive generic ads.

social media interfaces – our website uses interfaces with social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. 
Why? To improve the user experience and ability to interact with us through social media. As an example, you may be able to choose to "like" or "share" information from this website through these services.

Some of these third-party service providers, whether for analytics, advertising or social media, may collect information on your activities on our website and may associate it with other information that they may have collected about you and they may use all of this information for their own business purposes.  Please see the privacy policies for each of these service providers for information on their privacy practises and how you might be able to opt out of their collection and use of your personal information.

[Drafting Note: All third parties that may collect personal information for their own business purposes, whether through cookies, web beacons or scripts, should be listed.  A link to their privacy policies should also be provided.  This can be done in a table format.]

Do we share information with third parties?

Apart from data shared with Google Analytics, advertising and social media interfaces, we may share data with affiliated companies within our corporate family, or with trusted third-party service providers as necessary for them to perform services on our behalf. 

Examples of third-party service providers include:

Drupal: e-commerce platform;

IT service providers: who support our website and business systems;

Adyen: payment processing provider;

TrustSpot: user-generated content marketing platform;

Klaviyo: marketing and communication platforms for surveys or electronic marketing messages from us;

SEKO Worldwide, LLC:  shipping and delivery service to deliver our products to you.

We only share the minimum information necessary with these third-party service providers and they are prohibited from using your information for any other purpose. 

We require these service providers to comply with relevant privacy laws, regulations, principles and codes, to protect personal information (including any sensitive information) that they may collect, hold or disclose while interacting with you.

Business Transaction

In the event we transfer or are considering transferring control of any or all of our operations or services to another organization, we reserve the right to transfer and disclose your personal information to that organization.  However, we will require that the organization agrees that it will be similarly bound by the provisions of this Privacy Policy and that it will only use and disclose your personal information as we are similarly entitled under this Privacy Policy.

How long do we keep your information?

If we collect your personal information, the length of time we keep it depends on a number of factors including the purpose for which we use that information and our legal obligations.

We may retain your personal information for up to 7 years after the date it is no longer needed by us for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy. This is because the law permits or requires that we retain personal information for certain purposes, including:

  • for tax purposes; and
  • for purposes of resolving disputes.

As we use a third-party payment processor for credit card payments, we do not collect or hold credit card details.

Security and Storage

We understand that security is vital when purchasing online. Information you give us when setting up an account or purchasing from our store will be stored on our systems, using sophisticated technology that is designed to protect your personal information. 

We do not store payment card details and we use a trusted third-party payment processor to handle payment card transactions via a secure payment platform. They receive information needed to verify and authorise your payment, and are obliged to keep all of your personal information private.

Our security technologies and procedures are regularly reviewed to ensure that they are up to date. 

Unfortunately, the transmission of information over the internet is not completely secure and we cannot guarantee the security of any information transmitted to our website. Any transmission is at your own risk and you should ensure that any payment transactions you make are made in a secure environment. We recommend that you keep confidential any personal security codes and passwords, and take steps to keep such details safe. 

We will not use or disclose personal information without consent unless permitted or required to do so by law or for the purposes of legal advice, audit, or the administration and management of our business (including service monitoring). We may also enable law enforcement agencies to access and use your personal information to detect, investigate and prevent fraud or other crimes.

Trans-border data flows

Our head office is located in Australia.  As well, we work with some suppliers who may make use of cloud and/or hosted technologies, or store data on servers across international borders. For example, our eCommerce platform BigCommerce stores data on its servers in the U.S.

Therefore, some personal or confidential information may be disclosed or stored in a foreign country. We will only disclose information to an organisation in a country which has a substantially similar privacy regime and that has agreed to comply with applicable privacy laws. 

Please note that many governments around the world can require that organizations under their jurisdiction deliver information, including personal information, that is in the control of that organization to the government.  This is often done without notice to or the consent of the affected individual.

Personal Information Made Anonymous

To the extent that we make any personal information anonymous or we aggregate it with the personal information of others, then that information will no longer be considered to be personal information.  Therefore, we will be entitled to use and disclose personal information in any manner provided the personal information has been rendered anonymous or aggregated where that information cannot be attributed to any individual.

Other Collection, Use and Disclosure

The law permits or requires the collection, use and disclosure of personal information without the knowledge or consent of the individual in a number of circumstances.  We reserve the right to collect, use and disclose your personal information in these circumstances without your knowledge or consent as the law may permit or require.

Your rights 

You have various rights regarding your personal information:

Right of access – you can request access to your personal information and ask how we have used it and to whom we have disclosed it. 

If you want to access your personal information or have a complaint about how we have handled your personal information, you need to make a request to us in writing. Before we provide a response, you will need to satisfy our identification requirements.

You can contact us by writing to the Privacy Officer at the address or email above. We will try to respond within 30 days. If the request or complaint will take longer to resolve, we will provide you with a date by which we expect to respond.

All requests may be subject to reasonable fees and disbursements. 

Please note that we reserve the right to deny access to personal information in those circumstances where we are entitled by law, such as, where personal information has been collected in connection with a legal proceeding.

Right to correction – you may be entitled to have your personal information corrected if it is inaccurate, out of date, or incomplete.

If you have any general questions about your rights or want to exercise your rights please contact the Privacy Officer at the address or email above.